8 simple steps to creating a personalised recipe book

By Bonusprint on 31 July 2017

Put all your delicious recipes in one place with our simple tips and tricks for creating a recipe photo book.

Recipe book ideas

From your grandma’s chicken stew to your brother’s famous chocolate cookies, everyone has recipes that they love cooking over and over again, so it makes sense to keep them all in one place. Creating a recipe book photo book is easy thanks to all our food themed clip art, frames and backgrounds and we’ve also got some more tips for making the most out of those yummy instructions.  

1. Plan it out

Recipe book ideas family

Gather all your favourite recipes from your friends and family. Then write down all of the ingredients followed by the step-by-step process.

2. Pick a theme

Recipe book ideas sweets

Decide if your recipe book will include all sorts of recipes or if it will focus on a specific theme: Desserts? Main dishes? Breakfast? Vegetarian? A specific ingredient? You could even create different cookbooks for different themes.

3. Structure it

Recipe book ideas soup

Decide on an order for your cookbook. If it includes all kinds of recipes, you could structure it like a meal with the starters and appetisers first, the main dishes in the middle and the sweet stuff towards the end. If it will focus on a specific theme like desserts, you could structure it by ingredient, with every chapter focusing on a specific ingredient. Get creative and make sure it’s easy to follow.

4. Start cooking

Recipe book ideas kids

Put aside some time when you can cook all the different recipes to go in your cookbook.  Make sure you always have a nice setting and a good camera for your photos. Read our tips on food photography to make your recipe books look professional.

5. Get creative

Recipe book ideas cover

Choose a title for your recipe book. Are the recipes from family members? Then you could use something like ‘The Smith’s secret recipes’. Have fun with it! For the cover it’s a good idea to choose your best photo from the book or perhaps create a collage of images of the various recipes inside.

6. Have some fun with design

Recipe book ideas photobook homey

Use the hand-drawn clip art from our design options on a paper background to give recipes a rustic and homey feel.

7. Focus on the little details

Recipe book ideas photobook restaurant style

Use fonts such as Amatic SC and Open Sans on a chalkboard background to add a restaurant-like look and feel to your book.

8. Tell a story

Recipe book ideas mom and kids

Add little anecdotes to your recipes to make the book more fun and interesting to read. When was the first time you cooked this recipe? Who taught you how to cook it? What does it remind you of? What’s its history? It will make the book even more meaningful. 

Whether you’re a seasoned chef, an amateur in the kitchen or want to create recipe books as gifts, we hope these tips helped. Browse our photo book page to find the perfect size and style for you.