8 tips to capture sunset photos like a professional

By Bonusprint on 28 July 2017

Our favourite days out always end with a beautiful sunset and we’ve got some simple tips that ensure you can capture it all on camera.

Sunsets have long been a favourite subject for photographers thanks to the changing light, range of sceneries and captivating shadows. Sunsets are in fact, the most popular scene that get printed on our wall art, so it seems you like photographing them too.

We’ve got 8 simple sunset photography tips to make your sunset photos even better. From capturing silhouettes to making the most of the fading light…

Be on time

Sunest photos tips apps

Go to the AppStore and download a sunrise and sunset timing app. (Lots of the weather apps also have this function.) That way, you’ll never miss a sunset.

Be aware of the horizon

Sunest photos tips horizon

In most sunset photos, the horizon is the focal point so make sure you’re careful when you position it. If the sky is really pretty then place the horizon in the bottom third of the photo. If the sunset is over the sea and is making reflections, then position the horizon in the top third of the photo.

  • TIP: You should also make sure you keep the horizon horizontal. Nothing ruins a sunset photo like a wonky horizon.

Play with silhouettes

Sunset photos tips silhouettes

Creating a silhouette in the foreground will give your sunset pics a sense of perspective. You can ask friends to create shapes with their bodies and hands for a fun effect or take advantage of palm trees and boats.

  • TIP: Look out for birds! A few birds flying across the image can really elevate your photographs.

Take advantage of reflections

Sunset photos tips reflections

If you’re at the beach, the reflections of the sun on the water can be impressive. If you’re in a city however, look out for the sunset reflecting on glass buildings or windows. The way the light is reflected can create very interesting images.

Take a portrait

Sunset photos tips portraits

Turn on the flash and use it just for taking a portrait photo of someone at sunset. It will highlight their features and stop the photo looking too dark.

Wait for some clouds

Sunset photos tips clouds

Spotty, wispy clouds are ideal. The light will reflect from behind them and create interesting shapes. After a thunderstorm when the sky is clearing often provides the best conditions for sunset photographers.

Stay a little longer

Sunset photos tips timing

After the sun has dipped below the horizon, the sky will keep changing colour for another half an hour. Hang around to watch this spectacle and capture even more colours.

Turn around

Sunset photos tips sky

It’s not just where the sun is that the sky will put on a stunning display. Look all around you and to capture some breath-taking colours and lights.

Now all you need is a clear evening to get outside and practice your sunset photography skills. For more photography tips like these, check out our photography tips and tricks. Get inspired by our easy-to-follow guides that will ensure you take the best photos possible.