Top story telling tips with bonusprint

By Bonusprint on 4 April 2023

Telling stories is one of the things that makes us human. We all have a story in us and sharing our experiences with friends and family is a great way to tell it. Remember, a story doesn’t always need words or to be bound in pages; it can be shared in a photo book, a personalised photo calendar, or simply in a piece of wall art. As the saying goes, ‘a picture tells a thousand words’.

With Tell a Story Day on 27th April, here at bonusprint we thought we’d show you the different ways we can help you bring your story to life.

Check out our ideas for different narratives below and let bonusprint inspire you to tell your very own story.

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Relive your college days

Although it’s only a few short years, for a lot of people college or university really was the best time of their lives. Not only is it a milestone to complete your studies but it’s also a time where you meet friends for life and make some of your most special memories. And it’s with those friends, of course, that you will take some of the most embarrassing photos of you to ever exist.

Whether it’s the funniest things you got up to, the meeting of best friends, trips you took together, or all the other things you achieved right up to when you graduated, you can create retro or contemporary photo prints to tell your very own photo story. Frame them separately and hang them in chronological order or get a multi-photo frame to create a storyboard-style picture.

Retell the little moments too

Sometimes it’s the unplanned moments that spark the best stories. Like how you met your best friend, or when things took an unexpected turn when you were travelling, what happened at a group outing or even something simple like a trip to the beach. When you find yourself enjoying retelling that little moment then you know it’s an important story in your life. One photo can sometimes sum up the whole story, so it can be a great idea to send a copy of that picture to those in the know. With our range of prints, personalised cards, and more, you can bring a smile to anyone who shared that moment by sending them the photo that tells a much bigger story.

Share your passion

Everyone has a passion; our interests form part of the story of who we are and how others see us. Whatever yours is, why not create a beautiful piece of wall art reflecting your interests? Whether you’re a dedicated sports person, love to cook, enjoy photography, or if there’s something else that sparks your interests, be proud of your hobby. By displaying photographs of you enjoying your passion it’ll tell people a bit more about you. Check out our range of photo wall art to show what you love doing — from canvases to posters and a variety of photo print finishes, we’re sure one of our options will suit your style down to the ground.

Save every step of your child’s journey

There are so many firsts in a kid’s life. Their first crawl, words, steps, and day at school, are all important moments to capture in a photo to relive when they’re older. These moments make up their life story — one you’ll definitely want to look back on again and again. From photo books to personalised calendars, canvas wall art, and photo prints, have a look at our range of photo printing options that’ll tell the story of your child’s journey.

Tell the story of your special day

A wedding has to be one of the most photographed days of a person’s life. Whether the pictures are taken professionally, on family cameras, or your own smartphone, it’s a huge moment that you’ll be glad has been documented. What better way to relive that special day than to compile all those photos into one of our beautiful photo books? Ask your friends and family to send you their photos from the big day too and put them together with your own. Take a look at the different photo books you can customise right here.

The whole family story

Some of us have reached loads of major milestones already. From meeting your partner, the birth of your children, the first family holiday, and even the birth of your grandchildren there are so many incredible things to look back on. Creating your very own photo calendar of these events is a brilliant way to make a personalised timeline. It makes a great present for family and friends too. You can really tell the family story as each month can describe a different chapter. We’ve got so many calendar options to personalise here at bonusprint; you can even mark the anniversaries of those important milestones.

Being together, staying together

Creating a photo book is a brilliant way of documenting your relationship with your partner. From the first time you met to where you are today, you can add in all those memorable trips, your first apartment together, and maybe the birth of your children too. A personalised photo book would make a romantic and thoughtful gift to the love of your life, and, of course, with a photo book there never has to be an end to the story, just a ‘To be continued…’

Create your family tree

A printed photo is much more powerful than keeping them on a phone or hard drive. When you’re unable to share time with those close to you as often as you’d like, being able to see them in pictures you can hold is very important. By printing a selection of your favourite photos of family to display in your house means you can relive your family history every day. They’re also a great way tell your story to the kids or any new friends that come round.

Keep looking back on your travels

If you like to travel then you’ll love to relive those trips as often as possible. With our range of photo products, turning your travels into photo wall art couldn’t be easier. Whether you want to focus on just one trip or theme different rooms with wall art from various adventures, our range of materials and print finishes will really bring your travel stories to life and add loads of character to your home.

Whatever your interests are, and whichever stage of life you’re at, remember that you’re telling your own story every single day. However you spend your time, it’s important to live for the moment and be creative in how you document each milestone that you achieve. We hope that we’ve given you some inspiration of how to do that. It’s down to you which bonusprint photo product you think would tell your story best, so head over to our home page and get creating.

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