Staycation ideas with bonusprint

By Bonusprint on 9 July 2020

Let’s hear it for the summer — the sun’s out, the sky is blue, and it’s time to have some fun. We’re all hoping to get to some far flung places later this year, but for now we’re looking for adventures a bit closer to home. Taking a moment to appreciate your neighbourhood is no bad thing, and, here at bonusprint we’ve come with some family activities and other ways to enjoy keeping it local. Don’t forget to photograph your staycation fun so you can capture it all in a photo book, print or one of our other photo products.

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Hit the beach

If you live within easy reach of the coast then a summer trip to the seaside could be just what the doctor ordered. Getting some of that great vitamin D, with sand between your toes while watching and listening to the waves does wonders for your health and mindfulness. The beach is also the perfect place for the kids to splash about, stretch their legs and have fun in the fresh air. Pack some towels, beachballs, a picnic, as well as your camera to capture the day, and you’ve got a perfect day out.

Backyard camping


This great idea reminds us so much of our childhood. Turn your backyard into a campsite by pitching a tent and stuffing it full of comfy bedding. Grab some flashlights, and if you’ve got the space, toast some marshmallows or hotdogs while telling stories over a fire pit to get the full camping effect. Sleeping under the stars really makes you feel like you’re getting away from it all — even if you’re a conveniently short walk to the bathroom.

Family hikes

Get the whole family moving by taking a walk out into the countryside. A family hike is a great way for you all to get out of the house and getting back to nature. Pack a picnic and some drinks and take the whole day to explore the walking trails near your home. You can set tasks for the kids to find different flowers, trees and berries to keep them entertained, while you can enjoy the sunshine and space of the great outdoors. Don’t forget to take pictures of your hike — it’s a fun way to get group family photos in a brand new location. You could even take Christmas hats and create a funny summer-themed, Christmas card portrait for later this year.

Explore your neighbourhood

With our passion for travel, sometimes we overlook what is literally on our doorstep. Find out about the history of your neighbourhood and take some trips out to discover monuments, historic buildings, parks and more. Take a look at the street names and find out how they came to get them. When you find the story behind these places it makes you feel more connected to your area. Take some time to put together an urban photoshoot, look for interesting angles of buildings, reflections and abstract shapes to create some contemporary photo prints, or even a photo book.

Find a farm

Whether you’re in the city or live out of town, there’s often a farm that’s open to the public that you can visit. Not only is it a total change of scenery from being at home, it’s a great way to educate the kids and learn some things for yourself about animals, crops and how farms work. If you’re lucky they’ll have a farm shop too, so you can pick up some delicious local produce to enjoy at home.

Rediscover your city

A staycation doesn’t mean you need to stay at home all summer. If you live in a city, get out and about and visit some of the parks, rivers, bridges and historic buildings you’ve never found the time to before. Maybe take a trip to an area that you haven’t yet visited, and feel a vibe different to where you live. It’s fun to find out the back story of these places and how they came to be, so do some research and set up your very own bike or walking tour for you, your friends and your family to enjoy. You’ll pass all sorts of new places to grab a coffee or takeaway food to keep you going. Take plenty of pictures to document your urban adventuring —  the pictures of you exploring different places and areas would make a great photo book or wall art.

Choose your own adventure

You don’t need to be out in the wilderness to have an adventure — you can find plenty of activities to get the adrenaline pumping near to your house. Rock climbing is enjoying a surge in popularity right now so check out your local climbing wall to give it a try. Many of these clubs will organise trips to nearby rocks as well. If you’d like to push your limits a little more, research the nearest place to try a parachute jump, or take a trip to the nearest lake or sea to give water skiing or windsurfing a go. As always, don’t forget to take pictures of everything you try. When you’re back in your flat and your heart rate’s returned to normal, you can put together a great photo montage of your experiences.

This summer isn’t going to be all about international travel. Creating a fun staycation in your local area will create brand new memories and moments for you to enjoy. As you spend time with friends and family exploring new places and trying new activities, don’t forget to take your camera with you. Creating a photo book, prints and wall art of what you got up to in summer 2020 will be something you’ll cherish. If you’re looking for tips, tricks and inspiration to making your very own bonusprint photo book then simply check out our guide here. Now all you need to do is head over to our home page and get creating.

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